Ona–Ara Local Government

The history of Ona–Ara Local Government could be traced to the agitation by its founding fathers after the creation of Oluyole Local Government considered to be extremely large for efficient and effective administration. The argument of these founding fathers was premised on the fact that too much emphasis was placed on urban areas to the detriment of the predominately agrarian rural areas.

Our Vision

“Infrastructural development of Local Government Area,”

“In order to make like more meaningful to grass root people”

Our Mission

To improve the living standard of the people at the grassroot level.

Our Objectives

  • Rehabilitation and construction of good roads
  • Provision of portable water
  • Qualitative Education
  • Renovation of Primary Schools
  • Procurement of drugs and other health facilities to all health centers
  • Enhance the quality of the residence
  • Provision of basic amenities.

The history of Ona–Ara Local Government could be traced to the agitation by its founding fathers after the creation of Oluyole Local Government considered to be extremely large for efficient and effective administration. The argument of these founding fathers was premised on the fact that too much emphasis was placed on urban areas to the detriment of the predominately agrarian rural areas.

As a matter of fact, the founding fathers were of the ascertain that the rural areas were completely cut off from contributing to the system of governance, with bad roads, no potable water, the people were in darkness with occasional outbreaks of epidemics.

In other words, their lives were not touched positively by the government at the headquarter i.e. Idi–Ayunre. The tide however turned in 1989 when the then Military Administration of President Ibrahim Babangida created Ona–Ara Local Government out of the Old Oluyole Local Government with the headquarters at Akanran. Akanran was strategically chosen as the headquarters due to its central location with road networks linking other communities in the eleven wards of the Local Government before the creation of Local Council Development Areas {LCDA} by His Excellency Senator {Dr.} Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi.

According to 2006 population census, Ona–Ara Local Government has a  total population of 265,059 made up of male population is 131,471 while that of female is 131,588, with the land mass of about 3570km. Ona–Ara Local Government is bounded in the northern partly by Egbede Local Government, in the southern part by Oluyole Local Government, in the eastern part by Ogun/Osun State and in the western part by  Lagos/Ibadan express way with Ibadan South East Local Government area on the other  side of the express way. Ona–Ara Local Government comprises of eleven wards.

The people of Ona–Ara Local Government are predominantly farmers with fertile land for each crop like cocoa, kola cashews and citrus like orange, mango e.t.c. The farming population is scattered all over the various communities in the Local Government which include Foworogun, Idi–Ogun, Elese–Erin, Olosunde, Ojebode, Akanran and Gbada–Efon to mention just a few.

The Local Government council has a Traditional Council made up of the 13 recognised Baales whose chairmanship is on rotational basis. The traditional among the Olubadan – in Council and other Senior Chiefs. The incumbent now is High Chief {Dr.} O.O Olaifa the Osi Balogun of Ibadanland.

Besides, the Ona-Ara Traditional Council members are the 32 part II Baales and numerous other chiefs who assists in maintain cohesion and peaceful living of the citizen of various communities.

  • Land Area: 3570 square kilometer
  • Total Population: 265,059 in accordance with 2006 National Population Censes.
  • Local Government Headquarter: Akanran
  • Major towns and communities: Akanran, Gbedun, Olorunsogo, Olunloyo, Amuloko, Araromi,
  • The Local Government now consists of 6 wards made up of:

(1.)    Akanran ward 1            (2)     Araro ward 2

(3)     Olunloyo ward 7           (4)     Amuloko 5

(5)     Olorunsogo ward 9       (6)     Gbedun ward 10

  • Palm Oil, Cocoa and Kolanut Product, they were at
    • Kajola
    • Akanran
    • Gbedun
    • Aba Eku
  • Poultry, Fishery & Piggery at:-
  • Amuloko
  • Akanran
  • Olorunda
  • Omi
  • Pepper and Tomato Production at:-
  • Alagbaa
  • Olorunda
  • Cassava Production at:-
  • Akanran Village
  • Alagbaa Village
  • Gbedun Village
  • Kajola Village

The Local Government is endowed with several square kilometer of arable land for farming and establishment of industries.


  • Kajola 5 days
  • Akanran 5 days
  • Olorunda 5 days
  • Araromi 5 days
  • Gbedun everyday
  • Sawia everyday
  • Amuloko everyday
  • Olunloyo everyday
  • Nepa Olorunsogo everyday

THE MAIN SOURCE OF FINANCE AREFederal Revenue Allocation

  • Value Added Tax {VAT} Revenue Allocation
  • Share of State Internally Generated Revenue
  • Grants
  • Local Internal Revenue


  • Agbekoya War Camp at Tafa Adeoye Village
  • Osun Eleja River: It’s a big river that has carnivorus Fishes in it
  • An old church at Akinkemi built only for men for prayer


Number of Primary Schools              109

Number of Secondary Schools          27

Health & Maternity Centers:             23


  • Aboke Festival
  • Egungun Festival
  • Osun Fawande River Festival
  • Ona–Ara day
  • Osun Eleja river festival


  • Football
  • Table Tennis
  • Ayo Olopon
  • Athletics.

The Local Government can boast of high profile men Ibadanland, among who are {1} Chief Bode Amoo {2} Chief Mufutau Bayo Oyero {3} Chief Diti Ladapo, just to mention a few.

The first cooperative society in Nigeria was established in the present Gbedun very close to Akanran the Local Government Headquarter. Gbedun has equally of recent been blessed with a deposit of gold and other minerals resources which in future would bring the Local Government into lime light

However, the major weakness of the Local Government is lack for infrastructures in the area of road, electricity and pipe borne water. The main road leading to the headquarter Akanran is in a deplorable condition, it is of interest to note that this road leads to Ijebu Igbo in Ogun State. Sadly enough, there is no good state road in the Local Government areas. Likewise, is the issue of electricity which is lacking and has grossly reduced at increasing rate both social and economic development of the people in the area. Ditto is lack of any governmental institutions whether state or federally owned.

S/NLGACommunity Type of project Location
1.Ona-AraAdewumiBlock of classroomSt. Luke’s Pry. Sch.
2.Ona-AraOlubode village areaV.I.P ToiletOlubode village
3.Ona-AraPaara/Ifewumi roadAsphaltic tarring of 1.76Km roadPaara/ifewumi road
4.Ona-AraGangansi/Kehinsi roadReconstruction of  repair culvert & asphaltic overlay of Ogbere Gangansi roadOgbere Gangansi Kehinsi road
5.Ona-AraAbonde villageConstruction of twin-box culvertAbonde
6.Ona-AraOlorunsogo IbadanConstruction of hydraulic structure of NepaOlorunsogo Express
7.Ona-AraOlorunsogo Sawia, Nepa Express Nepa, Idi-Osan Market, Kajola MarketConstruction of {4}V.I.P toilet in the majour market in Ona-Ara L. Govt. AreaAt market of each community
8.Ona-AraOgbere Paara Inu IweChannelization of road & dredging of Ogbere PaaraPaara Inu Iwe
9.Ona-AraBabanla AreaConstruction of pedestrian bridgeBabanla Ogbere River
10.Ona-AraOke-Elesin Housing Estate, Sawia, Oke-Odo AbondeConnection of 5-unit transformerAt each community each
11.Ona-AraOgidi-EganConstruction of A BLK of classroomOgidi-Egan
12.Ona-AraBadekuPurchasing and installation of 500KVA transformer
13.Ona-AraOlorunsogo/ExpressRehabilitation of XTIAN church/Kolorunsogo roadOlorunsogo express service road
14.Ona-AraIgem AreaConstruction of 3BLK of classroomCommunity Pry. Sch. Igem/Airport area
15.Ona-AraAroye/Alabata AreaConstruction of twin-cell box culvertAroye/Alabata Stream
16.Ona-AraIdi-ObiConstruction of two cell box culvertAdex stream Bola Aare area
17.Ona-AraGbaremu/PaaraDredging of Ogbere streamFrom Gbaremu to Paara
18.Ona-AraOritamerinRehabilitation and beautification of Oritamerin  round aboutOritamerin round about
19.Ona-AraPaaraRedging of boreholePaara
23.Ona-AraAbondeRepair/construction of drains, culverts and asphaltic patchingAbonde road
24.Ona-AraFoworogun/OritamerinConstruction of 510m rubble stone line drain, culvert relocation of poles demolition of imarthuid buildingFoworogun/Oritamerin road
25.Ona-AraDalemoConstruction of rubble stone line drainDalemo road
26.Ona-AraEgbeda SDPRehabilitation of mobile court officeEgbeda SDP secretariat
27.Ona-AraPrimary Health Centre FawoleSolar powered boreholeFawole
28.Ona-AraAraromi Street, Dalemo AyekaleSolar powered boreholeAyekale
29.Ona-AraGbedeogunSolar powered boreholeGbedeogun
30.Ona-AraChrist Ang. Sec. Sch.Solar powered boreholeAmuloko
31.Ona-AraAyetola village VIA BadekuSolar powered boreholeBadeku
32.Ona-AraElese ErinSolar powered boreholeElese Erin
33.Ona-AraAba- EmuSolar powered boreholeAba-Emu
34.Ona-AraAkanranSolar powered boreholeAkanran
35.Ona-AraAraromi AperinSolar powered boreholeAraromi Aperin

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