In the bid to ensure the development and enhancement of public infrastructure, public assets and other facilities through coordinated policies and programmes on Public Private Partnerships, the present administration in Oyo State established the Office of Public Private Partnerships which metamorphosed into the Bureau of Investment Promotion and Public Private Partnerships in 2014 when the Department of Investment Promotion in the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Cooperatives was co-joined with the office of PPP to improve the investment climate ranking, ease investment/business start-ups and Public Partnership in the State.

Our Vision

Promotion of economic and industrial growth for sustainable development of the State.

Our Mission

Promotion of investment and economic activities through a structured one-stop-shop approach for socio-economic transformation of Oyo State.

Our Objectives

  • To encourage, promote and coordinate investment in Oyo State and serve as fast-track investment facilitation and warehousing mechanism. This is with the view to making the investment climate of the State, with respect to ease of investment/business start-ups and Public Private Partnerships (PPP), the most-friendly within the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • To ensure the development and enhancement of public infrastructure, public assets and other facilities in the State through Public Private Partnerships.

The Bureau’s Administrative structure is headed by the Executive Secretary appointed by the Governor, who has a relevant cognate experience. The Executive Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Agency as the Accounting Officer.

The Agency is made up of five (5) operational directorates each headed by a Director. The Directorates are:

  1. Directorate of Public Private Partnership
  2. Directorate of Investment Promotion
  3. Directorate of Strategy and Policy Coordination
  4. Directorate of Administration and Supplies
  5. Directorate of Finance and Accounts.
  • The Bureau as an agency of the State Government, facilitates and coordinates all investment promotion and warehousing activities.
  • Initiate, propose and develop policies and strategies which shall enhance the investment climate of the state with the view to making her the most investment-friendly state in Nigeria.
  • Coordinate policies and programmes of the state with respect to the adoption of Public Private Partnership for the provision and development of Public infrastructure or Public assets in the state.
  • Identify and synergize the activities of relevant MDAs of Oyo State Government under a fast-track One Stop shop template for all the agencies involved to work in tandem.
  • Evolve and consummate a fast track working template with strategic agencies of the Federal Government under the one stop shop mechanism.
  • Warehouse and effectively monitor the State Government’s Investment Portfolio.
  • Prepare and develop on behalf of the state, a strategic master-plan for Public Private Partnership.