Our Vision
The Vision of the Local Council Development Area is to bring quality life and meaningful development to all and sundry through good governance that will make positive change in the lives of individual and make them better
Our Mission
To deliver according to the mission of the state government in bringing visible development to the doorsteps of the residents of the area in all the six fold transformation agenda of the state.
Our Objectives
- To ensure equal development throughout the Local Council Development Area without bias and prejudice
- To provide an environment that attract investors.
- To erase completely poverty in the lives of our people through various poverty alleviation programmes.
- To compliment the efforts of the government both in federal and the state in bringing the dividend of democracy to people at the grassroots.
Lagelu West Local Council Development Area has its headquarters at Olorunda Abaa. It is divided into four (4) political wards namely; Alegongo (1), Olorunda (3), Monatan (5) and Sagbe/Pabiekun (14) obviously the Local Council Development Area covers the urban part of the old Lagelu Local Government is the most populated. These include: Academy, Iwo Road, Monatan, Iyana Church, Ajangboju/General Gas, Akobo Estate, Alegongo and Odogbo. Major towns in the Local Council Development Area includes: Olorunda, Elewuro, Idi Ape, Ajara, Onikokoro, Eniosa, Yawiri, Elega, Papa, Tela, Olukotun, Idi Orogbo, Ayeye, Olode, Kute, etc.
It consists of multi-ethnic groups of people predominantly by the Yorubas others include: Igbos, Hausa, Itsekiris, Ijaws, Lebanese and other foreign Nationals.
Apart from the urbanized potentials of the Local Council Development Area. The Local Council Development Area is partly agrarian therefore some people get their income from farming activities. Sand dredging is popular to the people whereby gravel sand are found in economic quantity. Resources in vegetation; leave and wood also serve as source of income. Lumbering in the Local Government e.g. timber, poles, planks, fire wood and charcoal is supplied also in large quantity.
With the Local Council Development Area covering a section of metropolitan Ibadan, the quasi-urbanism and sub-urbanism that is engulfing the area has made trading to be slightly more predominantly than farming which hitherto had been the major occupation in the area. not the majority of the citizens and residents in the Local Council Development Area are farmers, civil servants (Federal, State and Local Government) Multi-National companies, telecomm firms, bank and other financial institutions. There is however some professionals like: doctors, lawyers, accountants, economists, technologists, insurers, technicians, banks and artisans such as barbers, hairdressers, panel-beaters, etc.
Lagelu West Local Council Development Area is blessed with vast land mass that’s good for Agriculture and establishment of industries such as manufacturing and extractive industries. The Local Council Development Area covers several acres of land while the area is dotted by a few industries. The Local Council Development Area supplies in abundance produces like vegetables, cassava and its end product such as garri, cassava flowers, yam, cash crop like cocoa palm kernel and kolanut. The Local Council Development Area is germane for industrial opportunities with the availabilities of land and raw materials.
Some of the agricultural projects in the Local Council Development Area are poultry, piggery, fisheries, cocoa, kolanuts and palm plantations. With the nature of the soil and land mass there are lots of investment opportunities in these areas.
The Local Council Development Area has many primary and post primary schools spread across the council area. The entire area is divided into zones for easy monitoring and assessment exercise. There are also private primary and secondary schools within the Local Council Development Area too.
Primary Health Centres are spread throughout the Local Council Development Area. The existing clinics, health centres, dispensaries and maternity centres are located at Iyana Church, Alegongo, Monatan, Abidiodan, Aba Alfa, Sagbe, etc.
There are private hospitals located at the urban and rural parts of the Local Council Development Area. The Local Council Development Area bestows qualitative medical services to the people in the area through the clinic, maternity centres, dispensaries and health centres.
The Local Council Development Area has presently the council manager as the head of all operations. Next is the Director Administrations and General Service (DAGS) and other Departmental heads. Each departmental head is being assisted by their Deputies for smooth running of the day to day activates. Also there are various unit, under the headship of each unit head and total number of about 108 staff across the eight departments of the Local Council Development Area.
The Local Council Development Area acts on the instructions and official directives from the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters and the State Local Government Service Commission.
The various departments in the Local Council Development Area are thus:
- Administration and General Service
- Finance and Supplies
- Education and Social Services
- Works and Transport
- Primary Health Care
- Environmental and Health Services
- Budget Planning, Research and Statistics
- Agriculture and Natural Resources