
Oyo State Mediation Centre was established by the Oyo State Government in 2004. In 2005 the OYO STATE MEDIATION CENTRE LAW was enacted to regulate the activities of the centre.
The centre is to serve as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre (ADR) to assist the citizens of the State to find a quick amicable resolution of their disputes. It was also set up out of the desire of the State Government to among other things;

  • Bring access to justice nearer to the downtrodden and indigents within the state who cannot afford the high cost of litigation. Hence the services provided at the center are free;
  • Provide a platform for non-adversarial settlement of disputes thereby promoting harmony and peaceful co-existence amongst citizens of the state;
  • Decongest the courts by providing enabling an environment for citizens to amicably settle their disputes.

Proposed Zonal Centres

In order to extend the benefits offered by the Centre to citizens in all nook and crannies of the state, the State Government has embarked on the construction of four Zonal offices in some major towns in Oyo State namely Oyo, Ogbomoso, Saki and Igboora.