The traditional functions of this Department are General Administration of the Ministry and coordination of personnel activities in the Ministry. These activities include Appointment, Confirmation, Promotion, Posting, Discipline and other routine duties such as processing of retirement papers, transfers, certificate of service, annual and maternity leaves, gazette publications and training of staff.

The Department serves as the secretariat to the Ministry’s Management meetings. The Department also work in conjunction with the Finance and Accounts; and Planning and Statistics Department in preparing the Ministry’s annual estimates of Personnel Revenue and Expenditure. It also prepares statutory and periodic reports.

The Department consists of various categories of officers headed by Director, who is an administrative Officer and supported by two other Administrative Officers and sub-officers cadres namely:  Executive, Clerical and Work Superintendent.

The Department has three registries namely:

(i) Main Registry in charge of policy files, dispatch and receiving of mails

(ii) Personnel Registry in charge of personnel file. It also houses the pension and records units

(iii) Confidential Registry- In charge of confidential issues. Handles discipline and promotions.

Staff Promotion:  In line with the approval of His Excellency, the Executive Governor, the Ministry has conducted the year 2012 promotion interview for all eligible officers in the management, senior and junior categories of staff.

Annual Leave:

Approval of annual leave is usually granted when the Director of such applicant must have endorsed it. Request from officers on GL. 08 -16 are usually approved by the Permanent Secretary. While the Director Administration and Supplies approves request of officers on GL. 01-07 except those on essential duties that has to be processed by the office of the Permanent Secretary.

Staff Strength

The Ministry has a total number of seven (7) Departments with six hundred and fifty-three (653) staff in the various cadres here under listed:



Admin Officers3
Technical Officers73
Quantity Surveyor7
Executive Officer (GD)18
Executive Officer (Accounts)11
Clerical Officer20
Works Superintendent40
Principal Secretarial Assistant15
Fire Officer3
Fire Superintendent118
Plant Operator7

There are two batches of members of the National Youth Service Corps totaling 84 currently serving in the Ministry.


The Department is presently constrained in the discharge of her duties namely; in the areas of staffing and office furniture and equipment. Currently, there is a shortage of Administrative, Executive, Clerical and Secretarial Staff. Also, there is shortage of furniture, computer and other allied equipment.